
New this year – a skeletal quartet!

Our newest addition this year: a singing skeletal quartet!

It’s taken a long time to get these guys in fighting form, but we’re very excited to have them out at last and entertaining. These guys are out every night through Halloween.

Each one is a complex machine, multiple servos, data, power and tied into the whole house display, so they can have backup dancers in the windows above. But enough about them, watch them sing:



We are up and running!

The show is up and running. Last year’s show is in place and we are working on our new additions. Looks like the old favorites are still favorites!

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Art for Art’s Sake

As a pre-season cold open we are setting up in time for Art for Art’s Sake on Magazine Street. Lots of foot traffic means lots of people to scare and delight. Time to get out the spider webs and wake up the ghosts!

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